FAQs on Tapo Smart IR & IoT Hub (Tapo H110, Tapo H110C, TH11)


How to Set Up Your Hub

What Types of IR & Sub-G Appliances Are Supported?

How to Add Your Tapo Sub-1G Devices

How to Add an IR Appliance (Except for the Air Conditioner)

How to Add an Air Conditioner

How Do I Know Whether My Appliance Remote Is IR-Supported?

How to Repair Unresponsive Buttons or Add New Buttons (Except for the Air Conditioner’s Remote)

How to Add a Preset Button for Your Air Conditioner

How to Copy Your Remote Controls to Other Tapo Hubs

Different Functions of IR Appliances Supported by Third-Party Platforms

Alexa/Google/Matter Voice Commands for Controlling Your IR Appliances

What If I Failed to Add an IR Appliance?

Can I Use My Tapo Hub When Without Internet Access?

Transform your home into a smart haven with the Tapo Hub.

Manage Your Tapo Accessories

The Sub-1G ultra-low-power performance ensures seamless wireless connections with a variety of Tapo accessories, allowing you to control and monitor your home from anywhere.

Manage Your IR Home Appliances

The built-in infrared transmitter enables you to manage IR appliances like TVs and air conditioners, turning traditional devices into smart ones effortlessly.

How to Set Up Your Hub

Follow instructions below to set up your Tapo Smart IR & IoT Hub.

1. Connect your Tapo Hub to a power outlet using a 5V/2A adapter. Wait until the LED blinks white and amber quickly.

Note: If the LED does not blink white and amber quickly, press and hold the button on the side for 5 seconds to reset the Hub.

2. Make sure you have turned Bluetooth on. Tap + in the Tapo app. Tapo will start looking for nearby devices. Tap your device and Tapo will find your device automatically.

Or you can select Hubs/HomeBase and then your model. Tapo will find your device automatically.

3. Choose your Wi-Fi network and enter the password to connect it to Wi-Fi. Then name your Hub.

4. Check firmware and then setup is done. Your Tapo Hub is ready to use. You can add an IR appliance or Tapo sub-G device to the Tapo Hub, or do it later.

What Types of IR Appliances Are Supported?

Effortlessly manage your air conditioners, TVs, fans, lights, and more—all from one. Transform your traditional appliances into smart ones with the compact and versatile Tapo Hub. Tapo Smart IR & IoT supports a total 18 of IR appliances for integrated control.

Supported Appliances:

Air Conditioner

Set-Top Box









Water Heater

Air Cleaner

Sweeping Robot

Electric Heater



Drying Rack

Foot Tub

How to Add Your Tapo Sub-1G Devices

The Tapo Hub supports a wide range of sub-1G devices like sensors, switches, doorbells, and buttons.

For detailed instructions, please check How to Pair and Connect Tapo Sensors, Buttons and Other Devices to Tapo Hub.

How to Add an IR Appliance (Except for the Air Conditioner)

Tapo provides two methods to add your appliances. A DVD player / TV is used as an example. An air conditioner is a unique type of IR appliance. To add an air conditioner, please check How to Add an Air Conditioner

  • Method 1: Smart Match

Match your appliance automatically with the fewest steps. This is the most convenient and easy way to add an IR appliance.

  • Method 2: Custom Learning.

Learn the buttons on your physical remote one by one. This is ideal for uncommon remotes or when you only need specific buttons. Make sure you have a physical remote control on hand.

Note: The learned buttons do not work in third-party apps.

Method 1: Smart Match

1. Tap Add Infrared Remote Control on the Status page of your Tapo Hub. Select your appliance type and then your appliance’s brand.

Note: If your appliance’s brand is not listed, tap Didn’t find your brand? down below and follow the app instructions to match your appliance.

2. Match your appliance.

If you have a physical remote control:

1) Prepare your physical remote control and move it closer to the Hub. Point the remote control towards the Hub and press any button on it. When the Hub receives the IR signals, its LED will blink once and automatically match your appliance.

2) Test the button by pressing the button on the app and checking whether your appliance responds correctly. If this remote works with your appliance, save the remote. Then you can use this remote to control your appliance.

If you don’t have a physical remote control:

1) Tap I don’t have a remote down below. Then check your appliance status.

2)Test a few buttons and check whether your appliance responds correctly. If this remote works with your appliance, save the remote. Then you can use this remote to control your appliance.

Method 2: Custom Learning

1. Tap Add Infrared Remote Control on the Status page of your Tapo Hub. Select Others.

2. Tap Add a Button.

3. Point your physical remote control towards the Hub and press the button you want your Hub to learn. Then name the button. The button is successfully added.

4. Follow the same steps to add more buttons. Then save the remote control. You can now use this remote to control your appliance.

How to Add an Air Conditioner

Tapo provides two methods to add your air conditioner.

  • Method 1: Smart Match

Match your air conditioner automatically with the fewest steps. This is the most convenient and easy way to add an IR appliance.

  • Method 2: Custom Learning.

Learn the button on your air conditioner’s remote control. Make sure you have a physical remote control on hand. An air conditioner is a unique type of IR appliance. Its remote sends a combination code of mode, temperature, and fan settings. So the hub cannot learn a single button code like temperature +, but the current state of your air conditioner.

Note: The learned buttons do not work in third-party apps.

Method 1: Smart Match

1. Tap Add Infrared Remote Control on the Status page of your Tapo Hub. Select your appliance type and then your appliance’s brand.

Note: If your appliance’s brand is not listed, tap Didn’t find your brand? down below and Tapo will help match your remote in a wider range.

2. Match your appliance.

If you have a physical remote control:

1) Prepare your physical remote control and move it closer to the Hub. Point the remote control towards the Hub and press any button on it. When the Hub receives the IR signals, its LED will blink once and automatically match your appliance.

2) Tapo will provide recommended remote control templates for your air conditioner. Test the Power button and then a few other buttons by pressing the button and checking whether your air conditioner responds correctly to find the suitable remote template.

3) Save the remote. Then you can use this remote to control your air conditioner.

If you don’t have a physical remote control:

1) Tap I don’t have a remote down below. Then check your appliance status.

2) Tapo will provide all possible remote control templates for your air conditioner. Test the Power button and then other buttons one by one by pressing the button and checking whether your air conditioner responds correctly to find the suitable remote template.

3) Save the remote. Then you can use this remote to control your appliance.

Method 2: Custom Learning

1. Tap Add Infrared Remote Control on the Status page of your Tapo Hub. Select Others.

2. Tap Add a Button.

3. Adding a customized button is the same process as adding a Preset button. Please check How to Add a Preset Button for Your Air Conditioner

How Do I Know Whether My Appliance Remote Is IR-Supported?

1. Refer to the manual of your remote control to verify its IR support.

2. Check the appliance’s manual to confirm the supported signal types for its remote control.

3. Check for the wireless symbols on your appliance and its physical remote control. Typically, infrared remote controls do not feature Bluetooth or other wireless indicators.

4. Test the infrared functionality:

  1. Use your phone’s camera:

Open the camera app, point the camera at the emitter on the remote control (usually located at the front of the remote), and then press any button on the remote control. If the camera shows a flickering light coming from the remote, then you have an IR remote.

    1. Cover the IR emitter

Cover the front emitter of the remote control with your hand and press any button on the remote control to test if the appliance responds. If your appliance does not respond, then you have an IR remote.

How to Repair Unresponsive Buttons or Add New Buttons (Except for the Air Conditioner’s Remote)

Edit the remote control you have added to repair unresponsive buttons, activate grayed-out buttons, or add new buttons. A DVD player’s remote control is used as an example. An air conditioner is a unique type of IR appliance. To edit the remote control of an air conditioner, please check How to Edit the Remote Control of an Air Conditioner.

Go to the Status page of your remote control and tap Edit down below. Prepare your physical remote control.

  • Repair / Activate Buttons

1) Tap the unresponsive or grayed-out button.

2) Point your physical remote control towards the Hub and press the corresponding button on the physical remote control to reprogram the button. When the Hub receives the IR signals, its LED will blink once and automatically learn the button. You can tap the button on the page to check whether it works.

  • Add New Buttons

1) Tap Add a Button down below. Point your physical remote control towards the Hub and press the button you want to add. When the Hub receives the IR signals, its LED will blink once and automatically learn the button.

2) Test the button by pressing the button on the app and checking whether your appliance responds correctly. If this button works with your appliance, save the button.

How to Add a Preset Button for Your Air Conditioner

An air conditioner is a unique type of IR appliance. Its remote sends a combination code of mode, temperature, and fan settings. So the hub cannot learn a single button code like temperature +. You can add a Preset button to quickly tune your air conditioner to your desired state, for example, cool mode at 26℃ with auto fan speed.

1. Tap your air conditioner’s remote control in the app and then tap Edit down below.

2. Tap Add a Preset Button and configure the preset settings.

3. Test the button by pressing the button on the app and checking whether your air conditioner responds correctly. If it works, save the button. Then you can turn your air conditioner to this preset state with a simple tap.

Note: By tapping the Preset button, you also turn on the air conditioner.

How to Copy Your Remote Controls to Other Tapo Hubs

Copy the remote controls of one Tapo Hub to other Tapo Hubs to control the same model of home appliances in different rooms without extra configuration. Here’s how:

1. Go to the Device Settings page of any remote control you have added. Then tap Copy Remote Control.

2. Select the remote controls you want to copy, and then select the hubs you want to copy to. Then copy is completed.

Different Functions of IR Appliances Supported by Third-Party Platforms

Different platforms may support different functions for the IR appliances. Please check the list below for details. Please note that checking the current appliance status in the third-party apps is not supported. The displayed status may be different from its actual appliance status.





Matter/Apple Home

IR Appliance

In-App Displayed Type

Functions Supported

In-App Displayed Type

Functions Supported

In-App Displayed Type

Functions Supported

In-App Displayed Type

Functions Supported

In-App Displayed Type

Functions Supported

Air Conditioner


• Switch Mode

• Adjust Temp

• Adjust Fan Speed

• Turn On/Off


• Turn On/Off


• Switch Mode (Auto, Cool, Heat, Fan)

• Adjust Temp (16~30°)

• Adjust Fan Speed

• Turn On/Off


Turn On/Off

Adjust Temp (16~30°)

Temp +/-

Switch Mode

Set Mode

Adjust Fan Speed

Set Fan Speed


Turn On/Off

Adjust Temp



• Turn On/Off

Mute/ Unmute


• Turn On/Off


• Turn On/Off

Mute/ Unmute

• Volume +/-

• Channel +/-


Turn On/Off

Mute/ Unmute





Input Up

Input Down

• Back



Turn On/Off



• Turn On/Off


• Turn On/Off






Turn On/Off



• Turn On/Off

• Adjust Fan Speed


• Turn On/Off


• Turn On/Off

• Adjust Fan Speed


Turn On/Off

• Adjust Fan Speed


Turn On/Off



• Turn On/Off


• Turn On/Off


• Turn On/Off

• Adjust Color Temperature


Turn On/Off

Brightness +/-

Color Temperature/-


Turn On/Off









Turn On/Off


Turn On/Off

Air Purifier





Air Purifier



Turn On/Off


Turn On/Off

Alexa/Google/Matter Voice Commands for Controlling Your IR Appliances

Free up your hands by using voice commands to control your IR appliances. Check the following voice commands for different third parties:


Appliance Type

Voice Commands

Air Conditioner

Alexa, turn on/off <device name>

Alexa, set <device name> speed to <speed>.

*(Speed: high/medium/low, or 1/2/3, depending on your remote)

Alexa, turn up <device name> speed (by x).

Alexa, decrease <device name> speed (by x).

Alexa, set <device name> to x degrees.

Alexa, make it warmer in <room name>.

Alexa, make it cooler in <room name>.

Alexa, set <device name> to < mode >.

*(mode: auto/cool/heat/off…)


Alexa, turn on/off <tv name>.

Alexa, channel up on the <tv name>.

Alexa, channel down on the <tv name>.

Alexa, lower the volume on <tv name> (by x).

Alexa, turn the volume up on <tv name> (by x).

Alexa, mute <tv name>.

Alexa, unmute <tv name>.

Alexa, change the channel to <channel> on <tv name>.


Alexa, turn on/off <screen name>.

Alexa, lower the volume on < screen name> (by x).

Alexa, turn the volume up on < screen name> (by x).

Alexa, mute < screen name>.

Alexa, unmute < screen name>.


Alexa, turn on/off <light name>.

Alexa, brighten <light name>.

Alexa, dim <light name>.

Alexa, set the <light name> to <mode>.

*(Mode: warm/cold)


Alexa, turn on/off <fan name>.

Alexa, set the <fan name> speed to <speed>.

*(Speed: high/medium/low, or 1/2/3, depending on your remote)

Alexa, turn up the <fan name> speed (by x).

Alexa, decrease the fan speed on the <fan name> (by x).


Alexa, turn on/off <device name>.

Google Home

Appliance Type

Voice Commands

Air Conditioner

Hey Google, turn on/off <device name>

Hey Google, set <device name> speed to <speed>.

*(Speed: high/medium/low, or 1/2/3, depending on your remote)

Hey Google, turn up <device name> speed.

Hey Google, decrease <device name> speed.

Hey Google, set <device name> to x degrees.

Hey Google, make it warmer in <room name>.

Hey Google, make it cooler in <room name>.

Hey Google, set <device name> to < mode >.

*(Mode: auto/cool/heat/off…)


Hey Google, turn on/off <tv name>.

Hey Google, channel up on the <tv name>.

Hey Google, channel down on the <tv name>.

Hey Google, lower the volume on <tv name>.

Hey Google, turn the volume up on <tv name>.

Hey Google, mute <tv name>.

Hey Google, unmute <tv name>.

Hey Google, change the channel to <channel> on <tv name>.

Air Purifier

Hey Google, turn on/off < air purifier name>.

Hey Google, set the < air purifier name> speed to <speed>.

*(Speed: high/medium/low, or 1/2/3, depending on your remote)

Hey Google, turn up the < air purifier name> speed.

Hey Google, decrease the fan speed on the < air purifier name>.

Hey Google, set < air purifier name> to <mode>.


Hey Google, turn on/off <fan name>.

Hey Google, set the <fan name> speed to <speed>.

*(Speed: high/medium/low, or 1/2/3, depending on your remote)

Hey Google, turn up the <fan name>speed

Hey Google, decrease the fan speed on the <fan name>.


Hey Google, turn on/off <light name>.

Hey Google, dim <light name>.


Hey Google, open <curtain name>.

Hey Google, close <curtain name>.


Hey Google, turn on/off <device name>.


(Added to Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Home via Matter Setup)

Appliance Type

Voice Commands

Air Conditioner

Alexa/Hey Google/Hey Siri, turn off <device name>.

*(Note: To turn on the air conditioner, do not say “turn on”, but rather use “set mode”)

Alexa/Hey Google/Hey Siri, set <device name> to x degrees.

Alexa/Hey Google/Hey Siri, increase the temperature of <device name> (by x).

Alexa/Hey Google/Hey Siri, decrease the temperature of <device name> (by x).

Alexa/Hey Google/Hey Siri, set <device name> to < mode >.

*(Mode: auto/cool/heat/off…)


Alexa/Hey Google/Hey Siri, turn on <device name>.

Alexa/Hey Google/Hey Siri, turn off <device name>.

What If I Failed to Add an IR Appliance?

If you failed to add an IR appliance, please try the following:

1. Check the Hub’s placement.

Avoid direct sunlight or placing the front of the hub too close to incandescent lamps to prevent interference.

2. Remove obstacles that may block IR signals.

Ensure there are no walls or other obstacles between your remote control and the Tapo Hub.

3. Move your remote control closer to the Hub.

Keep the Tapo Hub within range to receive the IR signals.

4. Check whether your remote control is IR-compatible.

Some home appliances are equipped with Bluetooth remote controls, but they can receive infrared signals.

5. Try customizing your own remote control by learning buttons.

There may be no suitable remote control templates for your appliance. You can program your own remote control through custom learning.

Can I Use My Tapo Hub When Without Internet Access?

Internet access is only required when adding remote controls for your appliances. Once added successfully, you don’t need internet access to control your appliances via the Tapo Hub, as long as your phone and the Tapo Hub are on the same Wi-Fi network. Please be noted that voice control works only when internet access is available.

Get to know more details of each function and configuration please go to Download Center to download the manual of your product.