Why Is My Robot Vacuum Falling Down the Stairs?
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Typically, Robot Vacuums shouldn’t fall down stairs because they’re designed to utilize multiple, downward-facing sensors, known as Cliff Sensors, to detect and avoid traversing over elevated ledges, such as stairs. However, in the rare event that it does fall, this may be caused by an abnormality or obstruction in the vacuum’s Cliff Sensors.
The Cliff Sensors are positioned on the bottom of the Robot Vacuum and prevent the Robot Vacuum from falling.
The Robot Vacuum has a total of 3 Cliff Sensors: positioned on the bottom of the left, right, and front of the vacuum’s underside.
If you find that your Robot Vacuum is falling down stairs, or other elevated surfaces, please try the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Turn the Robot Vacuum over and gently wipe the cliff sensors with a damp cloth.
2. While the Robot Vacuum is turned over, press the Start button, and verify whether the main wheels briefly spin, then stop, and an alarm sounds.
NOTE: The Robot Vacuum is not suitable for use on black floors.
If the issue persists, please Contact Support.