How to pause/stop the Anti-theft Alarm of your Tapo Doorbell
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when the anti-theft alarm feature of your tapo doorbell is enabled, if someone tries to take the doorbell off the wall, the doorbell will sound an alarm.
if you don’t want the doorbell to alarm, you can try the following methods to pause/stop the anti-theft alarm.
pause the anti-theft alarm
press and hold for anti-theft button for 5 seconds to pause the alarm. but it continues to alarm when you release the button. here we take d230 as an example.
stop the anti-theft alarm
you can disable the anti-theft alarm feature to stop the alarm.
method 1. press and hold the sync/reset button and the anti-theft button simultaneously for 10 seconds to disable the anti-theft alarm feature. here we take d230 as an example.
method 2. go to device settings in the tapo app and disable the anti-theft alarm feature.