My Robot Vacuum Makes Abnormal Noise During Cleaning
Tapo RV10, Tapo RV10 Lite, Tapo RV10 Plus, Tapo RV20, Tapo RV20 Max, Tapo RV20 Max Plus, Tapo RV20 Mop, Tapo RV20 Mop Plus, Tapo RV20 Plus, Tapo RV30, Tapo RV30 Max, Tapo RV30 Max Plus, Tapo RV30 Plus, Tapo RV30C, Tapo RV30C Mop, Tapo RV30C Plus, Tapo RVA100, Tapo RVA101, Tapo RVA102, Tapo RVA103, Tapo RVA200, Tapo RVA300, Tapo RVA400
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There may be foreign matter entangled in the main brush, side brush, or wheels. Please clean up after the shutdown.