Can I cut the Tapo/Kasa strip?
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Q1: Can I cut the Light Strip to fit my installation?
A1: Yes, The Light Strips have cut marks, allowing you to cut them to the desired length for your installation. However, the cut-off part is usually not reusable.
Note: Ensure the light strip is disconnected from power before cutting.
Q2: After cutting the Light strip, can I connect the excess part cut off to another controller for normal use?
A2: No. Currently, TP-Link does not sell the light strip controller separately. What’s more, Third-party controllers are not fully compatible with Tapo/Kasa light strips, which may prevent the strip from powering on or being controlled.
Q3: What can I do with the excess part of the Light strip after cutting?
A3: Generally, the excess part cut-off cannot be reused, so please be careful before cutting.
If you accidentally cut it to the wrong length, you can still reconnect the cut part using a connector or attach it to another strip of the same model. You can tap here for more guidance about using a connector.
Note: The total length of a light strip must not exceed 5 meters.
(1) Exceeding this length may cause the overall brightness of the strip to dim.
(2) For the L930 and L920 models, the parts beyond 5 meters cannot change colors properly.