Why do I receive a "We Noticed a New Login" email?
Les mises à jour récentes peuvent avoir étendu l'accès aux fonctionnalités décrites dans cette FAQ. Visitez la page d'assistance de votre produit, sélectionnez la version matérielle adaptée à votre appareil et consultez la fiche technique ou la section du firmware pour connaître les dernières améliorations ajoutées à votre produit.
If you receive a "We Noticed a New Login" email or notification, it could mean a new device has logged in to your TP-Link account. Here are possible reasons:
1. You logged in using a new device with the same TP-Link ID.
2. Your TP-Link ID was shared with others (e.g., family or friends), and they logged in from a different device.
To secure your account and address potential unauthorized access, follow these steps:
Step 1: Confirm Login Activity and change Your Account Password
It is recommended that you should check whether the account was logged in on your trusted devices. If not, please change the login password as soon as possible. Here is guidance for you to change your account password: https://community.tp-link.com/en/forgetpw
Note: If you used the same username and password combination for your TP-Link ID on multiple apps or websites, please use a difficult-to-guess, unique password not used on other accounts.
Step 2: Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
For Tapo: Open Tapo App > Me > Tap account> Log in security>Two-Factor Authentication. Follow the guide here.
For Kasa: Open Kasa App > Me>Tap account> Log in security>Two-Factor Authentication. Follow the guide here.
For Deco: Open Deco App > Tap hamburger button on the top left Tap account> Log in security>Two-Factor Authentication. Follow the guide here.
For Tether: Open Tether App > Tap hamburger button on the top left Tap account> Log in security>Two-Factor Authentication. Follow the guide here.
Step3: Remove untrusted devices under 2FA
If you’ve already enabled 2FA, please review your trusted devices list and remove any unknown entries to ensure your account is not accessed from unauthorized devices.